in commission 意味

発音を聞く:   in commissionの例文
  • {1} : 委託{いたく}を受けて、任務{にんむ}について
    {2} : (将校{しょうこう}などが)現役{げんえき}の
    {3} : (+もっと...


  1. eight hundred thousand in commission dollars .
  2. you two braniacs rented a van that was used in commission of a crime .
    お前らが乗ってた車は 犯罪に使われた物だ
  3. ossotonin (the head of legal institutions ) and two or three ossobugyo (temporary positions in charge of retrials and accepting appeals ) from hikitsukeshu were in commission (according to " kanto hyojo den " (an annual listing of personnel for the years 1226 and 1232 to 1284 ) and so on , ossotonin might be a part of ossobugyo in a broad sense ).
  4. hanzo yamanashi , the minister of army , giichi tanaka , the former minister of army , and aritomo yamagata , the genro , rebelled to appoint the civil officer to the minister of military , because it was not appropriate to the imperial rescript to soldiers and sailors and the understanding of supreme command in the constitution of the empire of japan , the government regulations of the ministry of army and navy described that the minister of military should be the major captain and lieutenant general in commission or reserve duty (the military ministers to be officers on active-duty rule was not adopted at that time .) , and iaku-joso (making comments on military affairs to the emperor with full responsibility of the results ) by the minister of army and navy included a part related to the supreme command , the substitution of the duty by the civil officer would be the unconstitutional action against the independence of the supreme command which secured under the constitution .


        commission:    1commission n. (1) 委任, 委任状; 委員会; 任命; 依頼; 就任. 【動詞+】 accept a commission 将校に任命される The Government has appointed a commission to investigate the matter. 政府はその件を調査するために委員(会)を任命した award
        for a commission of:    ~の手数料で
        on commission:    歩合{ぶあい}で、口銭{こうせん}で
        on the commission:    治安判事に任ぜられて
        accept a commission:    将校{しょうこう}に任命{にんめい}される
        acceptance commission:    引受手数料{ひきうけ てすうりょう}、引取手数料{ひきとり てすうりょう}
        accord a commission:    手数料を許容する
        accrued commission:    未払手数料{みはらい てすうりょう}
        acquisition commission:    募集手数料{ぼしゅう てすうりょう}
        additional commission:    割増手数料、追加手数料{ついか てすうりょう}
        address commission:    積荷整理料{つみに せいりりょう}、船積み取扱口銭{ふなづみ とりあつかいこうせん}
        administrative commission:    行政委員会{ぎょうせい いいんかい}
        advising commission:    信用状通知手数料
        advisory commission:    諮問委員会{しもん いいんかい}
        agency commission:    広告手数料{こうこくてすうりょう}、代理口銭{だいり こうせん}、代理店手数料{だいりてん てすうりょう}


  1. "in commerce" 意味
  2. "in commerce, contracts are sacrosanct" 意味
  3. "in commercial mass production" 意味
  4. "in commercial production" 意味
  5. "in commercial terms" 意味
  6. "in committee" 意味
  7. "in common" 意味
  8. "in common currency" 意味
  9. "in common decency you should at least send his widow a letter" 意味
  10. "in commercial production" 意味
  11. "in commercial terms" 意味
  12. "in committee" 意味
  13. "in common" 意味

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